The official website of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council

Planning State Expenditure Plans (SEPs)

Final Rule for Planning SEPs

In August 2014, the Council published an Interim Final Rule in the Federal Register for Gulf Coast states to receive funding for development of State Expenditure Plans. The Final Rule was published on January 13, 2015. The Final Rule provides access to up to 5% of the funds available to each State under the Oil Spill Impact Component for planning.

Read the Final Rule(link is external) published in the Federal Register.

Read the Public Comments received in response to the Interim Final Rule.

Spill Impact Component Planning Grants

 The Announcement for Spill Impact Component Planning Grants was published in the Federal Register on 12/31/2014. Eligible entities may apply to the Council for a grant to use the minimum allocation available under the Spill Impact Component of the RESTORE Act for planning purposes.

   Federal Register – 12/31/2014(link is external) is external)


This is a two-phase application process. The first part of the application process is the submission of a Planning State Expenditure Plan (PSEP), which must be approved by the RESTORE Council Chairperson. The second part of the application process is the submission of grant application. The grant application cannot be submitted until the SEP has been approved by the Chairperson. Both the PSEP and the grant application must be submitted through RAAMs.  The portal to RAAMs and the RAAMs user’s guide can be found on the Council Grants Office page. The Announcement for Spill Impact Component Planning Grants provides detailed information and requirements for both phases. Eligible entities should also refer to the Recipient Proposal and Award Guide, which is available on the Council Grants Resources page.


Approved Planning State Expenditure Plans

Gulf Consortium (Florida)


